This Is Home for Lawyers Exploring Mindfulness

Hey there!

Welcome to the Brilliant Legal Mind blog! I created this space to help other lawyers and professionals learn about mindfulness meditation, yoga, self-compassion, and other mind-body practices. I have more than 150 posts that explain the basics of mindfulness, show how you can use it in action, and how to bring mindfulness into your life and work.

A photo of blog founder Claire E. Parsons, lawyer, meditation teacher, and blogger.
Who Started this Blog?

As explained more below, Claire E. Parsons founded the blog in December, 2020. She has more than a decade of meditation experience, has been teaching mindfulness and compassion for more than 5 years, and is trained in mindfulness, compassion, yoga, and more.

As the author of two books, she loves writing and saw a need for more ways to help lawyers and professionals learn about the benefits of mindfulness practice in a way that spoke to their lives.

An image with a testimonial about founder Claire E. Parsons and her ability to share mindfulness practices with lawyers.
What sets this blog apart?

There are many teachers and blogs out there who offer meditations and tips on wellness or even mindfulness. What makes this one different?


First, this site is founded and curated by a trained mindfulness teacher. Claire has more than 1000 hours of training in mind-body practices, including meditation, yoga, compassion, pranayama, and somatic healing. She has been teaching mindfulness for more than 5 years for state and national organizations and law firms across the United States.

Lived Experience

Second, Claire is not just a meditation teacher. She’s a practicing lawyer and mom and still lives the life of most working professionals. Much of the blog’s content is derived from Claire’s lived experience and the questions and issues that arise in her teaching. This means she is always sharing new things to help busy people find ways to incorporate mindfulness and compassion into their lives.

Not Boring

Third, this blog is not boring, stuck up, no fun, or interested in imposing a lot of rules. Lawyers have enough rules as it is. Many people avoid meditation because they think it’s boring or they aren’t good at it. This blog is offered to help more people see that they can meditate or explore mindfulness in other ways, gain benefits, and even enjoy themselves in the process.


Fourth, this blog is anti-perfectionist and non-dogmatic. Claire’s training and mindfulness experience is eclectic. She doesn’t push an agenda or want you to do things her way. This blog exists to help you find your way. It offers variety, simple explainers, and regularly suggests practices and resources to aid nonjudgmental exploration.

A testimonial about founder Claire E. Parsons and her ability to convey mindfulness concepts to lawyers with effective storytelling.
What Does the Name Mean?

When lawyers use the term “brilliant” we often mean “smart,” or “talented” or “insightful.” But the term has other meanings too. It can also refer to a very bright light or the clarity and cut of a diamond.

Mindfulness practices have become a cornerstone of my stress management as a lawyer. They keep my mind clear, sharp, and bright so I can better serve my clients and community.

In this blog, I will show you how you can learn about mindfulness, compassion, yoga, and more so that you can take your mind from burdened to brilliant.

Totally new to meditation? Learn to meditate in less 2 minutes.
Want to learn to meditate without sifting through a bunch of blog posts? Buy How to Be a Badass Lawyer here.
Want to try meditation or explore your practice further? Check out our Guided Meditations or Free Downloads.

From the blog

Follow us here and on social media for new posts and more resources.

Founder Claire E. Parsons is a meditation teacher for lawyers and professionals and a regular speaker on stress management, mindfulness, compassion, and meditation.

About the Founder

I am Claire E. Parsons, a lawyer, mom, author of How to Be a Badass Lawyer and Mommy Needs a Minute, speaker, and leader. I’ve been a practicing law for more than a decade and started meditating early in my law practice. It changed my life so I started speaking and writing about it and ultimately became certified as a meditation, yoga, and compassion teacher. I’m passionate about mindfulness and love showing fellow lawyers how mindfulness can take their legal minds from burdened to brilliant. Read more